Finale Online Players Meeting - Nov 1st, 2023

The 15th Annual DGM Finale featuring the 7th Annual Veterans Fundraiser Players’ Meeting

Welcome to the Veterans Fundraiser and the Disc Golf Monkey’s Finale! We are happy to team with James Childers in helping out our Vets. We can never thank the Men and Women who have served our Great Nation enough. Thank You all who have served or are currently serving.

As always, we’d like to start off by thanking our tournament sponsors: Crawford County Mental Health Center, Alice CBD, and JDGC. We appreciate you so much.

To our Tour sponsors this year, you all have continued to make the DGM Tour successful for the last 15 years! You all Rock! Elephant & Castle Fine Arms, Patriots Gold & Silver, Dynamic Discs, Innova Champion Discs, Fossa Disc Golf, Prodigy Discs, Creator Designs, MVP/Axiom Discs, Millennium Golf Discs, Discmania, 8Up, Greazy Dyes, Discs Unlimited, Swing Right Golf, Intuitive Body Works & Massage and Sticky Dyes.

There is over $2,100 in our Roll Over Ace Pot that is up for grabs. This is a cash only contest and can only be entered by signing up and paying your $5 at the registration table. Please don’t forget to sign and put your money in the envelope to assure your chance at a big pay day! Both courses we are playing have multiple chances for ace runs, so get in and win! Remember both McWoods and Chiltzer are shorter than the normal courses at McClelland.

There will be several baskets given away at this event. Dynamic Discs, Prodigy, MVP, and Innova have been our CTP sponsors. These companies have taken part in our Manufacture Exclusive CTP Contest. Every event has had 4 CTP’s and all the winners have received prizes for winning, and they were also added into the year end drawing for the basket donated by each company. You will have one last chance at qualifying to win the Dynamic Disc and Prodigy CTP’s. These two baskets will be drawn for at the end of the event (you do not have to be present to win). The other two baskets (MVP & Innova) will be given away at our Encore on the 18th in Monnett, MO. Good Luck!

Everyone needs to check in at the pavilion. Round 1 tees off at 9. The official scorekeeping will be at The code is DGM. Round 1 player course and hole assignments will be posted shortly after registration closes Friday night at ( The staff will automatically receive the scores at tournament central. Please have at least 2 players keep score. This will help eliminate the chance of mistakes. After the first round, lunch will be on your own. Round 2 SHOULD start at 1, but may change based on last card. There will be an announcement by DGM staff, and round 2 assignments will be posted on the PDGA page.

OB rules for the courses are fence and beyond for Chiltzer and road and beyond for McWoods.

Unbranded CTP is Chiltzer hole 3. Trilogy-only CTP is Chiltzer hole 12. Prodigy-only CTP is McWoods hole 9. MVP-only CTP is McWoods hole 15.

If there is any question about any throws or lies, try to make a group decision. If no decision can be made, play a provisional. When possible, consult with the co
urse TD to determine the correct answer.

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • Slim Chickens
  • EDGE