Jared Hilton Memorial Players Meeting - Jun 9th, 2022

Missouri Eagle and Elephant & Castle Fine Arms Present: The 12th Annual Jared Hilton Memorial - Driven by Innova Players’ Meeting

Welcome to the 12th Annual Jared Hilton Memorial! As always, we’d like to start off by thanking our sponsors: How great is it that we have not one but two title sponsors?! Thanks so much to Missouri Eagle and Elephant & Castle Fine Arms!

We'd also like to thank our other tournament sponsors: Conerstone Subs & Pizza, Tires Brakes & More, Sound Envision, All-Rite Fabrication & Powder Coating, Sound Envision, Wyota Village Chain Bangers, R&R Heating-Cooling (Chris Ryan is paying for lunch!), Brad Hilton, Advantage Insurance Solutions, Zeb Langeweg & Millie Cowgirl, and our anonymous sponsors as well!

Also, a big thank you to our tour sponsors: Elephant & Castle Fine Arms, Innova Champion Discs, Creator Designs, Fossa, Millenium Golf Discs, Discmania, Greazy Dyes, Patriots Gold & Silver, Intuitive Body Works & Massage, Discs Unlimited, Dynamic Discs, MVP Disc Sports, Swing Right Golf, & Missouri Common Ground Alliance.

Everyone needs to check in at the Winfrey house. Also, the PDGA is requiring a signed waiver stating we acknowledge the increased risk of COVID-19 by playing in this tournament. Since you all signed up online, you've already signed that waiver.

Regarding COVID-19, please maintain social distancing at all times before, during, and after the tournament. During check-in, please form three lines, and keep at least 6 feet apart in those lines. After the tournament, amateur players receiving a payout will need to form three lines, as three people will be allowed in the trailer at any one time. Amateur players must redeem their payouts or make arrangements to do so by the end of the day.

There are 2 Pools (an A Pool & a B Pool), and each will be playing on separate courses:

Pool A will be playing the JHM course 1st round and will consist of these divisions:
MPO, FPO, MP40, MA1, & MA40

Pool B will be playing the Winfrey Course 1st round and will consist of these divisions:
FA1, FA40, MA50, MA60, MA2, MA3, & FA3

After the first round the pools will switch and play the opposite course. Note, the JHM has Black/Yellow baskets and the Winfrey course has red baskets.

Round 1 tees off at 9. The official scorekeeping will be at pdga.com/score. The code is JHM. Round 1 player course and hole assignments will be posted shortly after registration closes Friday night at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/60323. The staff will automatically receive the scores at tournament central. After the first round, lunch will be served at the Winfrey house. Round 2 SHOULD start at 1, but may change based on last card. There will be an announcement by DGM staff, and round 2 assignments will be posted on the PDGA page.

Rules for the course are listed below. Unbranded CTP is hole 17 at Jared Hilton. Trilogy-only CTP is hole 14 at Winfrey. MVP-only CTP is hole 2 at Winfrey.

If there is any question about any throws or lies, try to make a group decision. If no decision can be made, play a provisional. When possible, consult with the course TD to determine the correct answer.

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • Slim Chickens
  • EDGE