Players Meeting - Jul 9th, 2021

CYCLEBAR (Springfield East) presents
The Second Annual Ozarks Dam Open
Players’ Meeting

There will be a very short Players Meeting around 9:20 to answer questions.

Welcome to the Ozarks Dam Open! As always, we’d like to start off by thanking our title sponsor: CYCLEBAR (Springfield East). We’d also like to thank the tour sponsors this year: Elephant & Castle Fine Arms, Innova Champion Discs, Creator Designs, Fossa, Millenium Golf Discs, Discmania, Cyclebar Springfield East, 8Up, Fimco Steel, Greazy Dyes, Patriots Gold & Silver, Intuitive Body Works & Massage, Discs Unlimited, and Dynamic Discs.

All Discgolfer’s must park on the west side of the main road. The parking will be on the grass or on the paved roads (where the new retention wall was built) that are directly across from the main parking area if it were to rain. The boat races have the main parking area because of the boat ramps. There will be plant officials there directing where to park.

Everyone will need to check in the the rock building that is on the east side of the main road pat the main parking lot (same as the last two events here). Also, the PDGA is requiring a signed waiver stating we acknowledge the increased risk of COVID-19 by playing in this tournament. Since you all signed up online, you've already signed that waiver.

Speaking of COVID-19, please maintain social distancing before, during, and after the tournament. During check-in, we will limit the number of players checking in at one time. There will be 4 water stations on the course. Please stay hydrated. We will be supplying fifteen 5 gallon jugs of ice water. Please do not open the lids on the water jugs.

After the tournament, there will be a raffle, and the amateur players receiving payout will receive their vouchers and will then line up behind the trailer. A limited number of players will be admitted at a time.

Round 1 tees off at 10. Scores for this tournament will be kept two ways. The PDGA will be enforcing a new rule this year that at least two methods of scorekeeping must be offered. The official scorekeeping will be at The code is ODO. Round 1 player course and hole assignments will be posted shortly after registration closes Friday night at The staff will automatically receive the scores at tournament central. After the first round, lunch will be available at the park. Round 2 SHOULD start at 2, but may change based on last card. There will be an announcement by DGM staff, and round 2 assignments will be posted on the PDGA page after the last card is turned in.

Rules for the courses are listed below. Unbranded CTP is hole 10. Trilogy-only CTP is hole 18. If there is any question about any throws or lies, try to make a group decision. If no decision can be made, play a provisional. When possible, consult with the course TD to determine the correct answer.

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • Slim Chickens
  • EDGE