Disc’n for Cheetahs Wrap Up - Sep 28th, 2020

Disc’n for Cheetahs Wrap Up

2020 has been a unique year to say the least. The Disc’n for Cheetahs sponsored by AAZK of Southwest Missouri was supposed to be held back in April and held at Prime’s course and at the temp course at the Dickerson Park Zoo. Because of the Covid Pandemic, Prime informed is that they would rathe not allow people on their property in efforts to keep from spreading the sickness. For this reason we opted to reschedule and have it only at the zoo.

The temp course was around 4,500 feet with the longest hole being 408’ with the scary green mossed pond lurking very close to the hole. The shortest hole was 150’ that was a hanging basket. I would describe this course as a more technical course than what we have in Springfield, as many of the holes were either carved out of the woods or set up in them. There were a food mix of shots with trees, elevation, water, and thick brush that kept things interesting.

The field was full, for this PDGA B Tier charity endowment program event, that benefitted the AAZK of Southwest Missouri. $1,800 was raised for the charity and they could not be happier. Thank you to all of you for supporting this event!

There were 10 divisions with numerous beginners and first time tournament players. It was very cool seeing so many people happy and offering to help get the course in permanently if possible! The weather was nearly perfect with a minimal breeze throughout the day. In all, it was definitely a great time!

I want to congratulate all the players that cashed and take the time to mention the winners in the 10 different divisions:

Open (18) - Andrew Presnell - 85
Open Women (2) - Mary Abbott - 116
Advanced (6) - Dustim Lankford - 103
MA40 (10) - Ray Presnell - 100
MA50 (8) - Tom Butler - 104
Int (7) - Kodi Kutz - 107
Int Women (2) - Robin Boswell - 129
Recreational (30) - Levi Pierson - 104
Recreational WN (4)- Katie Sherman - 136
Juniors (2) Garrett Samek - 169

For full results:


Looking forward to next year already!

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • Slim Chickens
  • EDGE