Disc Golf Monkey's "Gettin' It Done Tour" 2018 - Jan 17th, 2018

This year’s “Gettin It Done Tour 2018” is just about to get started. This is the 10th consecutive tour! As with the last 3 year’s, Nick Helm and I have teamed to have the Ice Bowl in Ava on the 27th of January. This will again be the kick off. It has been quite a winter already with some nice days and some brutally freezing days. If the forecast holds its calling for very moderate temps for the first event of this season at the Bear Hollow Course in Ava.

This year’s tour dates have been approved by the state coordinators. There is one date that we are in the process of deciding to leave the date the same or move it. This is the Marshall Open and it is marked with an “*”. There are also several courses being planted and I expect at least 2 of these will want tournaments once installs are completed. Definitely look for additions through out the year.

This year’s logo was done by a new friend of mine on the east coast named Steve De Jong. Steve was able to catch a little darker monkey that may seem angry, but honestly it’s just exactly how I have felt for two years battling my knee injury. The look is that of a monkey tired of hurting, a competitive hungry monkey, ready to get back to form, and ready to Get It Done! I hope some of you can relate and will make this your Gettin’ It Done Tour as well.

DGM’s “Gettin’ It Done Tour Tour 2018” Schedule

27th - 4th Annual Bear Hollow Ice Bowl - Ava, MO

17th - 3rd Annual Presidential Cup - Springfield, MO

24th - Lebanon Ice Bowl 10 - Lebanon, MO

17th - 10th Annual Lucky 13 - Republic, MO

7th - Discn’ for Cheetahs III - Springfield, MO

21st - The 1st Lost Woods Open - Theodosia, MO

12th - 6th Annual North Ark Open - Harrison, AR

16th - 8th Annual Jared Hilton Memorial - Lebanon, MO

30th - 5th Annual 8 Up Independence Day Doubles - Springfield, MO

7th - 9th Annual Monkey Trap Open - Springdale, AR

14th - Taney Como Throw Down - Branson, MO

29th West Plains Open - West Plains, MO

25th Little Big Show - Neosho, MO

8th - 12th Annual Dale Roberts Memorial - Nixa, MO

29th - 13th Annual 4 States Open - Joplin, MO

13th - 30th Annual October Friz - Winfield KS

*20th 7th Annual Marshall Open - Marshall, MO

3rd 10th Annual DGM Finale - TBA

15th Winter Blast - To benefit the CCFCC

*Date pending

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • Slim Chickens
  • EDGE