2014 Educational Disc Golf Experience (EDGE) Recap - Feb 19th, 2015

EDGE TCP Review-2014
The Educational Disc Golf Experience would like to thank you for your involvement with the 2014 EDGE Tournament Charity Program.

If you have not done so yet, please take a quick moment and "LIKE" the EDGE Facebook page to get all of the latest updates and awesome EDGE stories throughout this year.


Please share the numbers and EDGE Facebook stories with the folks that attend and support your events. It is important that we all keep the players informed of the great work getting accomplished with their contributions. 2015 will see EDGE release its 3rd edition to the Getting the EDGE Curriculum and Activity Guide that will include updated standards, an expanded technique section and at least ten new disc golf related activities!

Whether you are a player/contributor or a tournament director making things happen, our EDGE hats are off to you! We at EDGE hope you enjoy seeing this program grow and produce solid results. We are all making a difference and the sport is growing right before our eyes.

Cheers, Jay Reading
(EDGE TCP Coordinator)

2014 Year End Stats

--83 Tournament Partners in 2014

--$26,268 contributed into the EDGE TCP grant program

--$11,700 granted out in the form of 25 different EDGE TCP grants in eleven states

--Thirteen new events participated in the EDGE TCP program this year including The Texas Amateur Doubles (Texas) and The Homie Fall Celebration (Indiana) that both contributed over $1,000 in their first year!

--Suzette Simons and the Sky High Showdown nearly crested the $2,000 mark for ONE EVENT!

--We also want to acknowledge three of our Series Contributors who broke their own contribution records. Congratulations on helping move the sport forward!

Iowa Disc Golf Tour with $2,506 +$730 from 2013
Western Arkansas Flying Disc Assoc. with $2,839 +$669 from 2013
Russ Burns' Disc Monkey Tour with $2,285 +$385 from 2013

Acknowledgments for 2014

TOP TEN Contributions for a Single Event
1st--Sky High Throwdown (CA)-Suzette Simons ($1,726)

2nd--The Live Oak Charity Ching (TX)-Des & Jay Reading ($1,550)

3rd--Texas Amateur Doubles (TX)-Mike Schulgen ($1,147)

4th--Homie Fall Celebration (IN)-Deb & Jay Svitko ($1,028)

5th--Cedar Hill Chill (TX)-Cedar Hill DGC ($1,000)

6th--Woodway Challenge-Channon Quillen WDGC ($977)

7th--Hell on the Border (AR)-WAFDA & Chris Eads ($731)

8th--War on the Shore (AR)-Matt Loyd & PVDGC ($708)

9th--Four States Open (MO)-Russ Burns ($640)

10th--Victoria Open (TX)-Riverside Disc Club ($600)
--Junction Freezer (TX)-Charlie Chapman & Hoyt Moss ($600)
--Fox Valley Open (WI)-Oshkosh Disc Golf Club ($600)

TOP FIVE Highest Contributions from a Series
1st--WAFDA Events (AR)- Western AR Flying Disc Association ($2,839)

2nd--The Iowa Tour (IA)-Kurt Conrad and Iowa Tour TD's ($2,506)

3rd--The Disc Monkey, Lucky Monkey Tour (MO/AR)-Russ Burns ($2,285)

4th--Meteor Mike Schulgen Events (TX)-Mike Schulgen ($1,597)

5th--Georgia Super Six Series (TX)-Campbell / Adams / Jones ($800)
--Orlando Disc Golf Events (FL)-Orlando Disc Golf Club ($800)

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • Slim Chickens
  • EDGE