The Lebanon Ice 6 Update - Feb 13th, 2014

It has been a bone chilling Winter all over the US. Unfortunately, the Ozarks have not been the exception. Despite the Arctic conditions many of you “Die Hards” have not skipped a beat and continue to tough out practice rounds in the less than desirable conditions. To all of you who choose to play in the frigid temperatures I tip my hat to you!

The Monkey See, Monkey Do season opened with the Bethel Bowl last month. This was a very strong start when 51 players showed up, played, and raised a record fund raising amount of $2,058! For more details on the Bethel Bowl take a look at the previous post. We are currently less than a week away from another charity event which is DGM's longest running charity event. DGM teamed up with a few of the original Lebanon Disc Enthusiasts and the City of Lebanon 6 years ago to help a local charity in the Annual Ice Bowl. That charity is the Lebanon Area Foundation. Last year over $1,200 was raised a plus quite a few cans of food were given to the LAF. It is so awesome to see the Lebanon Ice continue to grow each year. I am pretty sure we have played in all wintery conditions: Cold, Wind, Snow, Ice, and a combination of several when we were “Lucky”. I am not sure what conditions we are in for this year, but I do know many are looking forward to the 6th Annual Lebanon Ice Bowl.

If you have not been to the Lebanon Ice there are several things to look forward to. The course is a given as the Jared Hilton Disc Golf Course is fun, challenging, and provides an excellent mix of shots. Having a heated building to register, eat, and thaw out before and after rounds is an awesome feature. Speaking of eating, each year as the numbers grow so do the different pots of chile! If you make a mean chile (or any other kind of dish) bring it and share. Another cool feature that the Lebanon Ice provides is every year a Monkey Trap is given away in a drawing. So if you can, come prepared to buy a few tickets that will be sold for your chance in winning the Monkey Trap and other items. As always if you have something to donate to the drawing please bring them or let me know. Come experience DGM's longest running charity event, The Lebanon Ice Bowl.


  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • Slim Chickens
  • EDGE