The Marshall Open Update - Apr 22nd, 2013

The Marshall Open is coming up this weekend (Staurday the 27th). This tournament is played on two beautiful and difficult courses. Both courses will challenge you with a wide variety of shots. Short, long, tight, and plenty of elevation puts Marshall as one of the most challenging venues on the Going Bananas Tour. Bring your “A” game or your humility card.

There will be Flex Start Doubles on Friday starting at 1:00 so you can practice one of the courses and hopefully win some cash or loot. Brig your partner and we will start you with another team that is ready. There will be three division:
Open $30 ($15/player)
Adv $20 ($10/player)
Am $20 ($10/ Player)

Pre Registration is greatly appreciated for Saturday. Many of you have mentioned that you are coming. Please Pre Register it makes everything much easier the day of. Players packs are on a first come (and Pay) first serve (Choice) basis. There is a limit of 90 shirts and 100 discs. The Disc Choices are:
DX Aviar
JK Aviar
FT KC Glow Roc
Champ Gator
Champ Roc III
Discs Should Be In Tuesday!!

Russ Burns, Jake Whitehead, Kevin Carder, Seth Hamilton, Cory Anderson, Zack Jones, George Eudy, Matt Crowe, Jeff Campbell, Bill Adams, Kyle Tutor, Matt Jones, Francis Albansee, Josiah Durham, Jacob Peterson, Justin Ausmus, Shayn Woltz, Derred Scheperle, Grant Benson, Jerry Scott, Mike Sisco, Derred Scheperle, Jack Lowe, Paul Morrison, Adam Morrison, Matt Dixon, Trevor Erickson, Janey Helton, Brandy Monnahan, Ryan Pate, Kenny Fuller, Lance Jones, Mark Crowe, Bill Neenan, Gary Harvey, Ted Keith, Brad Hilton, Rollin Clamme, CD Steiner, Chris Johnson, Zach Williams, D. Loomis, Cooper Arnold, Jason Duden, Mike Porter, Bruce Heidebrecht, Nate Clark, Kevin Hart, Christine West, Nate Love, Dan Zink, Brian Swezy, Robert Lane, Jose Ossa, Cody Freeman, and Blake Mitchel

If you have Pre Registered and are not on this list, please contact me. Thanks, and see you in Marshall!

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • Slim Chickens
  • EDGE