Missing Links "Fall Rhythmic Journey" - Oct 21st, 2009

If you didn’t make it to the Missing Links Fall Rhythmic Journey you missed a very unique weekend. There were many events going on including live music both Friday and Saturday night, camping all weekend, and of course disc golf on Saturday and Sunday. The weather was nice both days and nights. The live music opened up Friday night with Meridian Shift of which 3 of the 5 band members are disc golfers themselves (Brandon Duncan, Adam West, and Kyle Sunde).
The course was 19 holes and although it was on the shorter side in length, it was very challenging. Russ Burns was given a very rough piece of land to work with and somehow managed to create one of the most interesting courses I have ever played. The reports from those who played the course were definitely positive. Thank you Russ for all your hard work and dedication. If your drive didn’t stay on the fairway there were probably thorns in your future. There was considerable blood shed on this course as well as many lost discs.
In Saturdays tournament Russ Burns won the open division. Mark Anderson and Aaron Ulrich had a playoff for first in the advanced division were Mark brought home the victory. Jaysin Smith took top honors among the intermediate players and Kyle Sunde blew away the competition in beginners.
On Sunday 2 rounds of double were played. The first round was random draw doubles, Russ Burns and Rick Nichols won that round shooting a -17 with an ace. The Second round was pick your partner and Aaron Ulrich and Rick Nichols shot -16 that round. During the second round of doubles 2 set of chains (The Missing Links) were hidden on the course. Prizes were awarded to the lucky ones (Lee Griffits III and John Baird) who located them. This was the first of hopefully many Roots Deep music festivals to come where disc golf is involved. Thanks to everyone who came and those who helped, we hope you had a great time, and look forward to the next event.
Rick Nichols

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • Slim Chickens
  • EDGE