Jared Hilton Memorial Update...Registration Info, Pre Registration List, and Discs available for Players Pack. - Jun 15th, 2012

As mentioned in previous posts, Pre Registration for the Jared Hilton Memorial is now available. What is the advantage of Pre Registering you may ask? First, the field is limited 90 players, and pre registering guarantees you a spot. Second, the shirts and discs are given out on a first come (first paid) first serve basis. Last, on the day of the event it is a lot easier for staff and players if the majority of the field has signed up in advance. So if you can, Pre Register soon. Thanks!

Current Pre Registration list:

Jeremy Suratt, Greg Fehrenbach, Michael Corey, Justin Brammer, Kevin Carder, Jake Whitehead, Kyle McClure, Russ Burns, Dasun Keyler, George Eudy, Brad Hilton, Jacob Whittington, Rollin Clamme, Chris Waterman, Zack Jones, Wes Hilton, Chris Albright, Scott Elam, Stan Balke, Michael Davison, Isaac Davison, Shayn Woltz, Matt Christenson, Andrew Jinks, Elliott Kastner, Derred Scheperle, Kevin Gilbert, Nate Love, Mary Whitehead, Michael Porter, Roger (Rabbit) Abbott, Brandy Monnahan, Janey Helton, Christine West, Adam West, Justin Ausmus, Bryon Todd, Nick Helm, Jon Cook, Derek Norris, Josh Hurt, Rick Nichols, Aaron Ulrich, Justin Helton, Stephen Schelp, Eric Smith, Dee Hedrick, Neal Brooks, Tony Rush, Brad Rush, Joshua DelVecchio, Nathan Clark, Kevin Montgomery, Romeo Hayner, Chad Fisk, Jay Hall, Marcus Purdy, Colby Voyles, Grant Benson, TJ Hahn, Grant Benson, Nathan Hall, Matt Blevins, Ethan Jorcke, Ish Keener, Jeremy Schweiss, Darrell Williams, Nate Tillman, Jessica Neal, Kevin Feldbaumer, Jaysin Smith, James Emmons, Dustin Rippey, Joe Bishop, Russ Rosencrans, Tim Arndt, Bruce Heidebrecht, Kyle Webster, Danny Price, Steve Hograffee, Kevin Elrod, Stoney, Jon Parsons, Jay Hebenheimer, Will Ward, and Wendy Krull
If you have pre registered and I missed you feel free to contact me and set me straight :)

Nine Discs To Choose From For Your Players Pack! (I wanted to post this earlier, but I was waiting to see if I could get some “sweet” discs, and I think I was successful):
BB Aviars, Black KC Pro Rocs, JK Pro Aviar, Blizzard Destroyer, Echo Star Destroyer, Star Road Runner, Echo Star Road Runner, Star Wraith, and Echo Star Wraith. There will also be 5 CFR Champion Glow BB Aviars and Wraiths for sale. All discs are available for purchase. These discs will have the large Monster “M” on them. This stamp should be sweet!


If you are still needing to pre register for any of my tournaments, you may do so in one of three ways:
1) Contact me via e mail, text, or by phone and pay at the shop.
2)You may also pay by check and send to 1713 W. Smith St. Springfield, MO 65803
3)Go to www.paypal.com Send your entry fee plus $2/ Player (a Pay Pal Fee) to discgolfer8@yahoo.com . Please include you name, the tournament name, your Division, PDGA # (if you do not have one add the $10 PDGA fee), address, Phone number, disc selection, and shirt size.

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • Slim Chickens
  • EDGE