$500 Cash added to the Pay Out for the Jared Hilton Memorial! - Jun 10th, 2012

Brad Hilton called today with more exciting news for the Jared Hilton Memorial. There will be $500 added to the purse for this event. This $500 will be distributed based on the number of players in each division. So if the Recreational division has the largest number of players, then they will get largest percentage of the $500 added. The support for this event is growing as the June 23rd date approaches. Great custom player's pack, lunch provided, and now $500 added to the purse is making this tournament have a B Tier feel at a C Tier price. A special thanks to all of you who are making this first Jared Hilton Memorial a special one. You know who you are and our discs are raised high in thanks to you!

Check the previous post for Pre Registration Information and the list of Pre Registered Players. If you have any questions about this event please e mail, text, call, or send me a message on FB.

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • Slim Chickens
  • EDGE