The Monkey Prepares for the Start of the 2012 Lucky Monkey Tour! - Feb 15th, 2012

The kick off to the Lucky Monkey Tour 2012 is approaching quickly. With the Lebanon Ice Bowl taking place February 25, it is time to start sweeping the cob webs off your discs and getting out on the courses and throwing. Many of you have not stopped playing through the mild winter that we have enjoyed, and I hope your dedication pays off this season. There is a lot of golf to be played with the organization of the Ozarks Disc Golf FB page. Thank you Shayn Woltz for setting up this page for us. I believe it has brought the disc golf family closer together. I'd also like to point out Jeff Beth and thank him for his dedication and support of keeping the leagues rolling in our area! I don't want to leave anyone out. I know there are others that help with the organization of the local leagues and it is so awesome to be able to play with an organized group of disc enthusiasts. Thank you all. Disc Golf is alive and well locally, and I believe the sky is the limit in the future!

I have recently put in an order and received some of the Gorilla Boy's line of bags. I have available the following: Chimp, Squirrel, Silverbach and one Kong. I also ordered Tour 2012 discs as well. I ordered 350 in 10 or more molds. This years logo is a graffiti type monkey. I am hoping these will be in before the Lebanon Ice Bowl. This will make the “Pay Out Pickings” sweeeeeeet! Along with the discs, I have ordered Tour T-Shirts again (The colors will be Black, Sport Grey, and Pink). Along with the shirts I decided to print hoodies as well. Many of you suggested the idea to me last year and I can't wait to see them. Thanks for the idea! There will be a limited number so don't wait. You can pre-order these by contacting me. Don't forget with each purchase you will receive a raffle ticket that gives you one free chance at winning the Monkey Trap at the end of the season. The Disc Golf Monkey is offering a lot of cool products, putting in a few courses, and hosting many tournaments in the area. I thank you for all the past support and thank you in advance for your support this season! Hope to see you on the course soon!

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • Slim Chickens
  • EDGE