Finale Update (As of 11/9/2011) - Nov 5th, 2011

There are now 42 paid Pre Registers as of today. Several players have let me know they plan on coming but can't register until next week. With those, it looks like there are just under 45. Remember there will be another raffle for a FREE ENTRY or a GLASS MINI. The second free raffle drawing will be done in which ever comes first: 50 paid pre registrations or Wednesday the 9th. The first raffle done after the 25th Pre Registration was in was won by Zack Jones (he chose the free room at the Hotel Seville). The Hotel Seville is the tournament's guest hotel located minutes from the course and the home of John Paul's Gathering Place, lunch caterer and site of the tournament after party.

This is the current Pre Registration List:
Brad Hilton, Chad Fisk, TJ Hahn, Kevin Carder, Russ Burns, Jake Whitehead, Randal Reisner, Kyle McClure, Stan Balke, Bill Grother, Jaysin Smith, Frank Hebert, Zach Jones, Michael Cory, Andrew Jinks, George Eudy, Jacob Whittington, Josh Hurt, Mark Anderson, Cory Anderson, Steve Hare, Doug Duff, Teresa Duff, Aaron Ulrich, Nathan Clark, Chris Clemmons, Russ Rosencrans, Bryce Fisk, Brad Chisom, Johnny Chisom, Donnia Chisom, Becky Sweatman, Nathan Brown, Grant Bradfield, Jacob Bradfield, Eric Conner, Michael Davison, Isaac Davison, Keith Douglas, Jeff Beth, Jay Hall, Bruce Heidebrecht

Verbal Pre Register List: Travis Stand, Doug Wiegand, Kyle Wilkes, Taylor Sears, Gary Harrison, Trevor Conquillard, John Sheafer, Caleb Spinks, Shayn Woltz, Brian Lansford, Jordan Toebben, Kris West

The Finale Disc Choices:
Black Champion Wraiths (167-169) (5 left)
Black KC Rocs (16 left)
CFR Champion Vulcans (11 left)
CFR Champion Gators (4 left)
CFR Glow Champion Firebirds (Out)
CFR Glow Champion Boss (Out)
CFR Glow Champion T-Bird Plus (3 left)
CFR Star Cobras (Out)

  • Innova Disc Golf
  • Elephant & Castle Fine Arms
  • Dynamic Discs
  • Patriots Gold and Silver LLC
  • Fossa
  • Creator Designs
  • Millennium golf discs
  • Discmania
  • Discs Unlimited
  • Intuitive Body Works & Massage
  • Greazy Dyes
  • Hyzer Exteriors
  • Slim Chickens
  • EDGE